Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A legal query see details?

A boy ditched by his girl friend.. very depressed.. asks from a female classmate with whom he had just talking terms [she is a very naughty and funloving girl].He says...''i want to take a celfose tablet and die'' casually without giving details..She [was completely unaware of his break up and depression] thinks he is trying to flirt and check her heart that she really cares for him or not ?She jokes and says, ok! go ahead! would not it be nice if you will contribute in reducing india's population like that.Both of them smiles upon this joke and then..say.'' bye..see you.'' Then this girl wathes that guy working and talking with his friends normally for about one week.Then one day she listens that boy has commited suicide by hanging.His suicide note says.. he cant afford getting failed in studies and giving problems to his parents.Has that classmate girl done a job of ABETMENT OF SUICIDE?
I feel it I cannot help you
No.... how was she to know his mental state at that time. If they had a casual flirting and joking realationship why should she take him seriously. His closest friends should have seen the signs before she did.
The girl could be investigated for contributing to the suicide but to conclude that she is responsible must be proven beyond reasonable doubt because she was not aware of the break-up and depression being experienced by the boy when they talked.
NO, she could've been if he overdosed on celfose, but since he died by hanging a completely different series of events exludes her from any part of the suicide.

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