Saturday, October 24, 2009

18 or older?

in my state on has to be 18 to dropout of High school. i am 18 but not emancipated. could i still drop out if i wanted too?
Hey man, you could probably drop out if you really want to. I'm not going to preach to you about whether or not you should, its your life. But let me tell you, I have a brother and a step brother that have both dropped out of high school, and there life is very challenging. It used to be that all you had to do was go into the army, get trained in something and get a job afterward. Thats not the way it is any more. Even the army will turn you down without at least a GED. My brothers have trouble even finding a job, let alone one that pays more than 7.50 an hour. If you think thats enough, your better with a budget than I am. I graduated, and am starting college and I only make 10.55 an hour. I have no debt, no car payment, very cheap rent, and am supporting only myself. I have enough money, but I cant support any one else. I dont know how people can support 5 kids and a wife on 9 bucks an hour, but I do know that its very, very tuff.

You have to remember, that like it or not, the world revolves around money, and if you dont have enough, you wont be happy, despite all the poor but happy movies.

I'm sorry, but I'm assuming your a guy, forgive me if im wrong.
Are you single? If not, dont you want to have money to go out on dates, to the movies, to buy yourself the occasional DVD or something?

Also, do you ever want to have kids someday? Even if you dont, accidents can happen. Thats what happened to my 16 year old brother. Wouldnt you want to have the very best environment for them to grow up in? Do you want them to be able to go to college? Do you want them to come to you saying "Daddy Im hungry!" and you cant do any thing about it? What will you do without a decent job to support you? It is one of but not the only thing to consider.

Just remember, Its up to you, but I hope that no one else has to pay for you decision.
Good luck.
Yes, you can drop out. I recommend that you not, though. At least get your GED. I guarantee you will live a life of poverty if you don't at least get your high school diploma. I have a bachelor's degree and it's still hard to find work.

P.S. There's nothing to emancipate from - you're legally an adult. Your parents can kick you out if they want and they probably will if you drop out of school.
You need to first be sure you are fully qualified to drop out of high school.

Look at yourself in a mirror and say "Do you want fries with that" over and over for eight hours straight. Imagine doing that eight hours per day for the next forty years.

If this appeals to you, you are qualified to drop out of high school.
I don't suggest anyone of dropping out of school. Your 18 now, have you thought of what you will be doing in 10 years. You certainly don't want to be working in McDonald's or some minimum wage job. Instead of dropping out, think of trying to get to college. There is so many opportunities, stay in school you will not regret it. Education is everthing ! Without you are nothing......Good Luck !
Congratulations! You are an adult, which means you don't need any silly emancipation to be allowed to make stupid decisions.

As other people have pointed out -- dropping out of school is just about the most assine thing you can do. Unless a career in fast food or bagging groceries appeals to you. I am not saying you need a college education, but at minimum you need a High School Diploma.

Along with your entry into adulthood - at the grand old age of 18 - your parents are also released from parental liability, which means if you "drop-out" they have every right to put their foot firmly in the center of your *** and kick you out the front door.

So - the choice is a loser, have people think less of you, have employers laugh when you turn in a job application, and risk your parents booting you (not to mention it's a really disrespectful thing to do to your parents after 18 years of raising you and paying taxes for you to attend school) can act like an adult, realize that high school is only a temporary pain the butt that will be over soon, and be proud that you stuck it out for the rest of your life.

You choice - you're an adult.
Legally being an adult and acting like one are two different things. Dropping out of school is the most stupid thing anyone could do. Many people are trying hard for an education and you are throwing yours away. Grow up and make something of your life. I don't think there is a huge demand for dropouts in the job sector.
Yes, you 'could'.

On the otherhand, please don't. We don't need more derelicts. We need educated people - go to uni.

It's never too late.

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