Saturday, October 24, 2009

(law) Permission to talk with doctor?

My sick friend's doctor refuses to talk to his agent (his son) without written permission. What is the most narrow form he can use? I can't find it online. Medical pwoer of attorney or living will is too broad. Is there a FORM for this? i.e. "I allow X to talk to my doctor re my situation." Totally confused here. Can it just be a letter??? Is there a simple form? I tried NOLO and other resources but there was no one clear answer. Thanks!!
Hey -- I looked you up to answer your question about Cherrys but you don't accept e-mails or IMs... when in season buy fresh...When out of season buy dried or buy cherry juice at the health food store

Now I haven't read any of the answers you got on this one.... and it seems logical to me that this may differ by state law

Tell your friend to write a letter addressed specifically to that doctor that his son mayhandle any %26 all of his medical affairs - he will have to be specific in order to cover any loops

then have him have it signed by himself and by his son %26 then notarized.... he will still have to determine if that specific Dr will accept %26 that may very from one Doc to the next

Try something like this:
Dear Dr ________ (name of Dr),

As you are aware I am very sick. Because of my health issues, I am asking that you include my son, _______ (name of son) in any discussions pertaining to my diagnosis, medical care, medications and other treatments or areas of concern. I feel I need his assitance and advise as my health is overwhelming to me at this time. I am electing not to write a medical power-of-attorney at this time as I wish to still be the singel person in charge of the outcome and decision making. If at any point I elect to revoke this right of information exchange either/both to %26 from my son, I will notify you in writting of any changes.

Thank you so much for your consideration %26 valued assitance,
________________ (name of patient)

Note: I am not an attorney %26 that may not work; however, my mom is a nurse %26 I didn't want to do medical power of attorney. Given the complexity of my medical conditions, this is wording used in a letter my mom %26 I created for each of doctors.

Hope this helps :) Feel free to e-mail me
I wrote a simple letter saying that the Doc has the right to see, treat my son. Then I signed it.
If there are areas you don't want the doctor to talk about you should put that in the letter as well.
The following is an example of the form I use (I am a nurse paralegal), If you are trying to get info from a paticular hospital or doctor they should have there own forms the patient can sign where he would list who can have access to his medical information. Just rember that the new HIPPA laws (health privacy acts) are very strict and the doctors are just trying not to break the law.


Client Name: (print) ______________________________... Date of Birth: ______________

I, ______________________________... ______________________________...
(Client’s Name) (Name of Healthcare Provider)

to release and/or provide copies of my health information to:

(Name )

(Street Address/PO Box)

______________________________... ______________________________... (City %26 State, Zip Code) (Phone/Fax)

The following information is to be released:
Medical Records (including, but not limited to: Physicians’ Orders, Progress Notes, Diagnostics,Treatments)

Revoking this authorization. This authorization may be revoked at any time but is not retroactive for requests that have been complied with in good faith. To revoke this authorization, please provide a written request to the department releasing your information.

______________________________... OR
(Patients Signature) (Date)

______________________________... ________________ _____________
(Legal Representative’s Signature %26 Relationship, e.g. Guardian, Healthcare POA) (Date) (Phone)

Information, once released, may no longer be protected by Federal Privacy Rules and may be subject to redisclosure by the recipient. However, information covered under Federal Regulations 42 CFR Part 2 may not be redisclosed unless expressly permitted by the authorization or the regulations.

*A photocopy of the signed authorization form is as valid as the original*

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