Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do some communities view jail time as a “Right of passage”?

Unfortunately, this is all too true.
yea, black communities probably. just kidding. actually, probably just gangs.
No. But, some individuals get caught up in the prison system and have a difficult time getting back to normal after release. Jobs are a main issue. My question to you is," What communities did you have in mind?"
I wouldn't say that certain communities view jail as a 'Right of Passage", but i will say that as long as this country's power is unequally controlled, then some people in some communities will be more likely to be in jail.
When some felons get of prison, they will not be able to find legal jobs or people willing to give them a chance. So they go back to doing what they were doing before they went to jail. Now they are stuck in this cycle of being in and out of jail.
I have also heard of stories of people purposely going to jail so that they can get 3 meals and health insurance.
isn't this country great?!
I can tell you that in some urban/ poor communities, people who come out of jail are more respected. I know it sounds crazy, but it is the truth.

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