Saturday, October 24, 2009

(VT Shootings) How many people could these crazy people kill if ever one had guns?

If any of the students or faculty had been exercising their right to conceal carry under state law the killer could have been stopped before he killed that many people. Why does everyone seem to over look this. Why do people only get one side of the story on the major networks.
Hear ye! Hear ye! Good point. People don't tend to go shooting people over stolen homework. Get your heads out of your butts, people, and do some thinking on your own. Quit letting the likes of Hilary and O'Moore do your thinking for you. Most people would use them for self defense. No body would have joined Cho on his rampage. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. They would have stopped him after the first burst, and that would have been the end of the story. It is a well known fact that dictators and communist countries disarm their citizens. What does that tell you?
He might have been stopped when he first flash the gun, then no one would have been killed but him.
Actually, there is a law in Virginia that states that you are not allowed to carry a gun on college campuses.
They don't call it "programming" for nuttin' ;)

The guy above me talks about the law on college campuses. The law was passed (I think in 2003) for THAT CAMPUS ONLY!!! To fall in line with federal law (You can't carry a gun on any college campus unless the state overrides the law) You can carry a gun on all college campuses in Virgina... EXCEPT VA TECH. Things that make ya go hmmmmm
I've seen this type of post all week. You may want to live in a country where everyone carries weapons but I and most Americans don't. This kind of nonsense offers nothing just as those who want to ban guns offer nothing.

So great, we have a college campus where everyone is packing. You get a bad mark, you blow away your professor; your girlfriend is shagging the star basketball player, you blow them away; someone steals your textbooks, you hunt them down and kill them.

Folks with this mentality overestimate the commonsense of folks. A weapon in your belt can easily become a weapon in your hand.

And who is gonna train all these gun slingers how to use their weapons correctly? You? Uncle Sam taught me. You want the government to arm all its citizens?
There is also the possibility that people could have joined him and killed even more people.

However that is not the main fear with concealed weapons. Small fights like road rage, or disagreements are more likely to be deadly if people carry weapons.
campus security has guns
In the two hours between the murders of Hilscher and her dorm neighbor Ryan Clark, and Cho's mass killings at another university building, they chose not to cancel classes or lock down the campus. (They did choose to do so, however, in August 2006, when a man shot a security guard and a sheriff's deputy and escaped from a hospital two miles away.) Virginia Tech President Charles Steger said authorities believed the first shooting was a "domestic dispute" and thought the gunman had fled the campus, so "We had no reason to suspect any other incident was going to occur." The assumption, apparently, is that men who kill their cheating girlfriends are criminals, but they are not crazy, not psychopaths, and not a danger to anyone other than the woman in question. (Or, as one reader commented at Feministe sarcastically, "Like killing your girlfriend is no big deal.")
Source Mother Jones
Congress is currently pursuing stronger legislation to prevent guns from being sold to mentally ill individuals. Since major advocates on both sides of gun control seem to agree on this point, it has the best chances of being passed, respected, and effectively enforced.

For the concealed weapons issue, most people seem to agree it might be appropriate for professors or security staff. I believe that for any large building to be gun-free, such as courtrooms, then metal detectors would be necessary at the entrances, while having security present similar to bailiffs.

The issues I would most like to see brought out in the open is medical research and proof of methods for detecting, treating and curing mental illness where spiritual "demonic" energies cause addictions or obsessions with rage or killing beyond human control. Not just cases of suicide or murder-suicide, but serial killers, who claim to follow demonic or angelic voices, or other criminally ill persons including pedophile addicts -- these conditions involve the presence of negative spiritual energies that can be measured and detected using modern technology. Likewise the process for removing these conditions can also be tracked and traced.

So if you want to focus on issues that are not covered by the media, that one is most critical as it points to the problem and the cure at the source. For a book that explains how these spiritual energies operate, how they cause illness, and how they can be healed, read "Healing" by Francis MacNutt. I believe the work and research done on spiritual treatment of "incurable" conditions will revolutionize the mental health and criminal justice system to prevent victims of violent crime, repeat violations, and senseless tragedy.
Did you read about the prosecutors that tried to press charges against a female college student for shooting a rapist?

I'm sure they would had send to jail any hero for killing that psycho. It seems that criminals have more rights than victims.

On the other side if every one have guns (psychos and less psychos); how many shootings would we have per week?
Do you think that arming everybody is a good idea? The crazies as well as the sane? There are many reasons why guns should not be carried in the classrooms, especially laboratories.

Even if the students were armed, how prepared do you think the students would be to kill another person? What are the odds that they would be able to hit the gunman instead of an innocent bystander? How many additional firearms would the gunman have collected from his victims and then be able to use on more people?

This was a failure of local law enforcement to stop him after he shot his first victim. It was a failure of the courts to force the gunman into counseling. This was a failure of the Virginia's gun control laws which allowed him to obtain a weapon just days before the tragedy.
Where do you people live? All but 4 states have some sort of conceal carry laws. Have you heard any stories of anyone with a conceal carry license who killed someone over their homework? People who carry concealed weapons are required to take a safety and usage course, their background is checked and their fingerprints are put on file. These are the good guys. I don't recall ever hearing of any big shootouts between people who held conceal carry licenses. You guys act like just the act of holding a gun will make you a wild-eyed, bloodthirsty, cold hearted murderer. I carry my gun nearly everywhere (except the places they are not allowed) and have never yet been tempted to shoot the annoying person in front of me in line at the grocery store. I have frequently been cut off in traffic and have so far never shot anyone for it.

Why do you think that people go to schools and government buildings to perpetrate their shooting sprees? They know that no one there will have a concealed weapon.

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