Saturday, October 24, 2009

2nd Amendment fans? VT shootings with legal guns?

Cho had been in a mental institution less than 2 years ago and yet he was able to buy his guns legally. Shouldn't there be a law to prevent people like him from having a gun?
Yes there should be!
especially if he has amental history. they should also restrict non citizens.
Yes, There should be a regimental class for owning power.
The same goes for any sort of power. Cars included.

It is just too easy to come into power such as a hand gun, or a car, and both are taken for granted.
There are such laws; he broke them by lying on his background check form. Then he broke some more laws when he took them on a campus where guns were banned. Then he broke some more by shooting people.

FYI... the Second Amendment has ***NOTHING*** to do with this case.
I dont know man. I've seen shrinks before and I still want to be able to own handguns and other firearms in a legal fashion. Just in case I decide to go shoot up a bunch of people.
Congress and HIPA, the nuts medical records are not open for review prior to purchase. Change that law you still would not have stopped him, he would have just purchased weapons from other criminals. There is a law, he cannot legally purchase a weapon if he has mental defect, but here is the catch, the democrats in congress do not want anyone to know he is mentally ill, they figure he might be discriminated against for it, as in discriminated from purchasing a weapon. This anti-discrimination thing has cost 33 lives, when are people going to understand that discrimination in some things is important.

Why do you think congress could have stopped this guy? Perhaps you need mental evaluation.

In 1976, Washington, D.C., enacted one of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. Since then, the city's murder rate has risen 134 percent.

Over 50% of American households own guns, despite government statistics showing the number is approximately 35%, because guns not listed on any government roll were not counted during the gathering of data.

Evanston, Ill., a Chicago suburb of 75,000 residents, became the largest town to ban handgun ownership in September 1982 but experienced no decline in violent crime.

Among the 15 states with the highest homicide rates, 10 have restrictive or very restrictive gun laws.

20 percent of U.S. homicides occur in four cities with just 6 percent of the population - New York, Chicago, Detroit and Washington, D.C. - and each has a virtual prohibition on private handguns.
There is. He lied on his application and unfortunately liberals have habitually protected crazy people from being "branded" so therefore there is no database which tracks crazy people. Do you think that Hillary or Pelosi would ever support building a database to track mentally ill people. Why that just isn't fair. Lets just ban guns for everyone instead!

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