Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can anyone tell me that how many Countries are there, which are “SECULAR”? Can anyone name them all? (See De

For example: “Islamic Republic Of Pakistan”, it is not a Secular Country. It is a Muslim Country. It’s Chief Of State or Head Of Government can’t be Non-Muslim. Secular Countries does not belong to any Religion or Group Of People. It should be based on total freedom and EQUILITY and HUMANITY, ignoring His or Her Religion or What Group Of People does he or she belongs. Equal Rights should be given “TO ALL PEOPLE” in a Secular Country.
Here is a list of allegedly secular countries :-

If you believe them all.
It's difficult to define a secular country. Here in my country, Britian, people have complete freedom to follow any religion or none, and laws are not made according to religious dogma. We have freedom of speech and personal liberty.

On the other hand, the Church of England represents the official religion of the country, there are bishops in the House of Lords (a revising chamber of unelected people) and the new King or Queen (who cannot be Roman Catholic) is annointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury (head of the Church of England). So is Britain a secular country?
French has one of most secular gov in the world I think. They have super strict separation of church and state. Their president really can't even say 'god bless' during public speech.

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