Saturday, October 24, 2009

1st amendment rights?

So if Yahoo chooses to delete my account because of me speaking my mind,isn't that infringing on my 1st amendment right as an American citizen? Freedom of speach.Now I realize it is Yahoo's site,but this is where questions are answered,be them wrong or right.I know that the world can see my answers and it isn't my problem if they do take offense because I linked to an American site.And they choose them to be incorrect or possibly offensive,but that is my right as an American citizen to be able to speak my mind,be it vocally or typed.I don't think that anyone should be able to control what I say just on a whim or because it might offend someone. I know I spelled most of this incorrectly because I'm upset,but America is about freedom,and I don't know about the rest of you,but this whole PC thing is getting annoying.If I wanna call the pope a bum,America says I can.If I wanna say any darn thing I want,the constitution says I can.Thanks for letting me rant.
I agree fully, its guaranteed in the constitution, so i don't see how someone can do that, especially Yahoo, i thought the internet was a place of free speech just as other places. Don't let someone take away your right, because i don't. Because i am GUARANTEED IT!
Freedom must be respected in this site as long as not against the laws morals. Expressions must be freely given when participating in this forum.
It has happened to me.

Yahoo can redo their guidelines for convenience.

regarding what is happening to you.

Please be patient when reading the source
I hear you, however the 1st Amendment doesn't give you a right of "free speech" on Yahoo! It is their site and their choice.

Yahoo does have a penchant for willy-nilly enforcement of their guidelines. Many are whims!

They wanted me to open an e-mail account, which would be a paid one! Wonder if they send a daily copy to the FBI or just weekly? They are the ones who turned over records to the Feds! Google refused! Good for them!
Actually no. You have the freedom to say what ever you want. You don't have the freedom to use others forums for it. Yahoo is above all a business. They make money by selling ad space. If people are offended by what you say it could deter them from coming back thus having less people on the site bringing down the amount of of an ad. They have the right to do what is best for their business.
Jesus christ people, I hear talk of First Amendment rights so often and it's usually from people that haven't read the First Amendment. Here it is in all it's glory:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Notice it says "Congress shall make no law"? The First Amendment deals specifically with any governmental attempt at limiting speech. Is Yahoo! a part of the US government?

Now, you may not like their policies, I know I don't if they're deleting posts and accounts but, they can do as they please.

It most definitely is not a First Amendment issue.

I've apparently answered the question posed by a person with the reading comprehension ability of a potato. This explains why the questioner posed their question the way they did.

Yes, you have the right to say what you want. Yahoo! however, as a non-governmental entity, has the right to not let you say what you like on their service.
Ah, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, the constitution is in place to limit government conduct. Yahoo, is not a government entity and thus not subject to the 1st amendment. A private business is fully free to remove or delete any postings it finds offensive, and the disclaimer that you and everybody else skipped over when signing up says so.

Little history, back in the 18th century with the constitution was written, the king of england had a cute little policy of seizing printing presses and imprisoning those who spoke out against the crown. So, the framers of the constitution came up with the concept of the constitution which esentially detailed out how to run a government. Then came along the first ten amendments, commonly referred to as the bill of rights, which was designed to protect the citizens against the conduct of the government.

So, sorry that your posting was deleted; however, just like you have the right to express your opinion, yahoo has the right to disagree and not allow you to use their space to voice your opinion.
Yahoo also has delete some of my questions and answers and yes it can be very a annoying. When they email me that I have a violation, I will return the email and asked why. Sometimes they will reinstate the points and re post my posting. I do think you are confusing your right of free speech with Yahoos right to set guide lines and standards. You have the right of free speech, but when you are posting on yahoo Webb site, they have the right to control what you say. Good Luck
The 1st amendment says:

Bill of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It says that they shall make no law ABRIDGING the freedom of speech.
Abridging means:
1) to make less or cause to appear less
2) to become gradually less

It doesn't say that YAHOO! a privately held company cannot limit your speech!
It also does not say that you HAVE the freedom to say any old thing that you want.
Go into a movie theater and yell fire and see what happens. You would be charged with inducing a panic.

I am glad that the govt. agency, FCC, has told YAHOO! what words can and cannot be used by you or I would have to take my computer out of my house in fear of what vulgarity you would post that my daughter would read.

It is your right to petition the govt. and then group, you and your people into a PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY and have your speech listened to UNABRIDGED!
So the way I see it your question alone as broken the peaceful part of the 1st amendment.

I do hope that you are not considering law!

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