Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A question for all pro-choicers??

Many people claim that the reason a woman is allowed to abort her baby is because it would not be able to survive on its own outside the womb. So therefore, the baby is her "propery", and she can end its life if she wishes.

However, a newborn baby cannot survive on its own, either. So should women be allowed to "abort" their newborns?
they can now..thanks to bill clinton.....called partial birth abortion...
don't give them any ammo! they already made it legal to murder the baby if it hasn't passed thru the birth canal!
There is a difference between "surviving" and "viability". A mass of embryonic cells is not viable outside the womb by any definition. A newborn is viable outside the womb and can be cared for by anyone, not necessarily the birth mother.
Dude, join a bowling league or something! You've got too much time on your hands to keep posting the same questions over and over.
A fetus can NOT survive out side the womb until at least 20+ weeks... A fetus can not be transferred from one uterus to another... do we agree on that??

A new born child on the other hand.. has every expectation of survival... as long as it is cared for by a competent person.. this person doesn't have to be the birth mother nor father.. just a loving and caring person.. that know's how to love.. feed and care for a child... Even an agency is better than a woman that didn't want the child...

Yes I am pro choice...however I have 3 sons... abortion was never a question for me... I was raised to be respectful of myself.. and to have children at a time when it was right for not only me but the prospective father.. NOT every girl in this world is taught that... Nor should a girl or woman who is raped be forced to carry a child that she will hate.. it does in my opinion make a difference how happy and how much a child is wanted in the womb..
The metaphor doesn't quite work.
k idk about others but i never reffered to a fetus as 'property' however i do believe it should be legal to abort the fetus as long as it's before the third trimester. see ur holding all 'pro choicers' to the same standard. some of us aren't actually pro choice, but rather pro last resort (meaning u support legal abortions in cases of rape, or cases where the mother and/or fetus could be harmed during pregnancy/birth, etc). and i believe abortion should always be legal in the first trimester. however i dont believe third trimester abortions should be legal simply because a person has no reason to wait that long before getting an abortion. if their case is so bad that they need an abortion they should have gotten one b4 the third trimester.
anyways, i dont believe calling these women killers and sinners and wh*res is going to help anything either!
and the big reason ppl believe abortions should be legal is not because the fetus is 'property' that arguement has no credibility whatsoever, the big reason pro choicers say abortions should be legal is because A FETUS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERSON, IT HAS NO LEGAL STANDING OR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS THEREFORE IT IS NOT MURDER. and of ur statement about women aborting newborn babies is crap because newborn babies have already taken their first breath outside of the womb and therefore constitute a person, and have constitutional rights and a legal standing. so ya, that's my lil schpeal on abortion.
A newborn can survive without being attached to another human being.

The issue is that it's NOT YOUR BODY therefore it's none of your damned business what choice a woman makes - it's not yours, not mine, not the dude at the drive thru at Burger Kings - it's strictly and solely the woman's choice.
You are dancing a fine line with essentially loaded weapons on either side of that line!

As a mother, I would NEVER do anything to harm my child....even when he came into this world almost 7 weeks early!

BUT....my husband and I had to make a decision before he was born....he was in a compromised position and so was I. The decision had to be made of what to do if MY life was in danger....after almost 48 hours straight....we decided that IF that position came about....we would choose MY life.

So don't just go about passing judgement on a situation that many women find themselves in.

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