Saturday, October 31, 2009

9/11 was an inside job?

Do you have a brain and agree?

No one can convince me that it wasn't a conspiracy. I don't care how much so-called evidence you have. It is impossible to convince me otherwise because you can't trust the governments out there. They lie and spread disinformation.

People who don't believe that it was staged say things like,

"If it was a conspiracy on a scale as huge as it was supposed to be, then how come no one has come forth and said that they PERSONALLY took part in the 9/11 attack?"

The reason why this is the case is because the government monitors people and threatens the people and their families from coming forward. It's as simple as that.

If a plane hit the pentagon, then where is the rest of the plane? People say you can't see the plane because the roof fell on top of the plane and it is covering the wreckage. Please. I've seen enough action movies and plane crashes on tv to know exactly what it should look like if a plane hits a building.
No it wasn't.
Yeah 9-11 was a conspiracy carried out by the President himself.
9%26#92;11 was cornflake.
Check out the page for 911 mysteries. The download takes forever, but it's some interesting scientific theory.
One person on that plane was B.Olson the lady who wrote an exposse on theClintons.

I think with the unbelievable leak intentionally done for retaliation, the three Border Patrol Agents thrown in prison and maligned for stopping illegal dope smugglers and risking their lives, the secrecy of forming the North American Union w/o the people's input, the detracting of Habeus Corpus, the redistributing of more %26 more power to the Adm %26 away from the people, the approval of out-sourcing jobs putting the middle-class in distress and the portraying of a bogus document as vital evidence in gaining approval to invade a country I don't see why the reality of 9/11 being staged to kick-off many of these moves is so hard to believe.
why people can't stop making a big deal out of 9-11.yes it was a disaster but can you look around people,there are catastrophes happening in the world much more bigger and disastrous that 9-11
well duhhh who doesent want to become a Dictator of course bush wanted it to happen.
All over the internet you see parodies and jokes on GWB's speeches, etc. They all have one thing in common. "I don't need EVIDENCE. I don't need FACTS. I'm above that." Hands up, class, if you can see a pattern forming??? You have no solid evidence one way or another. You are placing an opinion out as a fact, and say it is impossible to convince you otherwise.
Correct me if I'm wrong people, but this questioner *cou-hippy-ough* states:
*9/11 was set up by the US.
*The US government spreads lies and dis-information.
*Movies provide expert qualifications as to identifying wreckage.
*This person is a stupid w*nk stain.

Oh wait, I state that.

I'm not against debate, I promote Democracy, and free opinions. But even the government you denounce has the common sense to provide SOME evidence, false or otherwise. You cannot prove it one way or another, and, originality aside, you should put your idea out there and let people make up their own damn minds.

So in answer to your questions, yes, no, and the rest of the plane fell into the alien research station under the Pentagon, didn't Independence Day teach you anything???
No, I don't believe that it was a cospiracy, but on the other hand, I probably lack the intelligence to be able to reach the same conclusions as those so gifted as to be able to parrot any anti-American statement.

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