Saturday, October 31, 2009

Are the UK easonable force?self defence laws adequate to protect the community?

Do you think these laws should be extended on account of the growing anti-social and criminal gang culture spilling out onto the streets in Britain? For example there are huge gangs of youths who hang around in my street and they are often abusive and threatening. I know elderly people who are afraid to leave the house. I've seen them pick on lone people trying to walk their dog or get to the local shops.

Recently we've began standing up to them and have had a group of them with weapons enter our garden threatening to assault us. By the time the police get here they are gone and difficult to identify as they dress the same and wear caps. We are advised that even although these youths enter our property, hugely out-number us and wield weapons (including blades), we would be prosecuted should we also attain weapons and proceed to defend our property and ourselves while we await the police to attend. How should we deal with issues such as this?
no matter what we do the ultimate question remains is anyone ever truly safe
Honestly, you folks in Britian need to grow a pair. If they want to arrest you for defending your home and family, then you need to drag them out and hang them immediately. Repeat til the PC BS crowd is gone.
That's because the UK has really stupid self-defense laws. Basically you have to cower in fear, unarmed and not resist, even if your attacker is murdering you.

But God forbid it, should you lift a hand to defend your life, you go to prison for manslaughter.

What a stupid theory.

England had, for 400 years, a tradition of never retreating and always upholding the individual's right to defend themselves and stand their ground.

Then they got a bunch of whimpy liberals in control of the legislature and the court system and they carve out a stupid doctrine.

No wonders its easy to be a criminal in England, there's nothing wrong with it. Its illegal to be a victim there, unless you let them kill you.
It's horrible what you are going though, thing's have gotten way out of line in Britain, between the drug culture the gang's of drug addicts and underage drinker's roaming the streets causing havoc, vandalizing people's properties, people are scared to leave their homes at night time, and on top of all that there's the million's of illegals roaming all over the place, the crime rate has rocketed, and the cherry on the icing is the Muslim extremist's shouting in the street's death to the British troop's and ranting that they will bring SHARIA LAW, and they will sooner thank we think, if the government doesn't get their finger's out and do something to STOP THEM.
I am sincerely sorry for you that you cannot defend yourself and citizens of your community live in fear of these thugs. I live in Texas and my husband has his CHL (concealed handgun licence) and I am about to get mine. Fortunately for us we live in a state that is reasonable about self-defense and the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves, their families and property.

My opinion is that strict gun control, or, in your case, gun bans, is totally unrealistic. Is the British government completely out to lunch on this? You have roving packs of rabid gang members that hold communities and towns in a grip of fear because they know nothing will be done to stop them. It baffles my mind that your governments answer to this problem is to ban firearms. Do they think criminals care about the law? It baffles my mind that your police don't even carry firearms. How is this effectve in protecting people?

My answer to you would be to do what you can to change the policy in your country. I cannot understand how a society that claims to be a FREE society oppress its people in such a way by threatening prosecution if a law-abiding citizen owns a firearm, let alone use it to protect themselves from crazies. If Britain is anything like America, I'll bet the majority would oppose such bans. The problem is that not enough people care enough to vote. The majority are lazy. If you want to affect change in your country, get like minded people mad about it. Speak up and become an activist for change and rally your community together and write letters to your leaders and politicians and tell them of the problems that plague your towns. Because obviously it's not working the way things are going. Again, I'm sorry for the fact that you live in fear. Maybe if enough of the people of your town get together on this, someone in power might listen.

Ahhh, I just read your edit. I am so ANGRY for you! I cannot believe you and your nieghbors must live this way and get in trouble if YOUR DOG BITES AN INTRUDER. How is this even possible that you would be prosecuted for this??? Would these criminals actually have the balls to file a complaint against you?
Reasonable force is not possible if the attacker has and illegal gun and the victim is not allowed to have comparable weapons.
I'm not from the UK but i think its safe to assume should these punks were to assault you and you were to, say allow your dogs to defend you, no jury in their right mind would allow you or your dogs to come to harm, note that i said "right mind"
If I lived in the UK, I would begin to lobby and work extremely hard to get the laws changed to allow reasonable self-defence! In the meantime, can you start making videos to show the extent of this problem to the police, and the public to increase awareness, help protect you, etc?

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